The Licking County Democratic Party

The Licking County Democratic Party exists to promote good government throughout Licking County. The party consists of two bodies, the Central Committee and the Executive Committee.

The Central Committee governs the Democratic Party of Licking County and is comprised of one member from each voting precinct within the county. Central Committee members are responsible for maintaining good communication with voters in their precinct by organizing get-out-the-vote efforts, identifying potential candidates for elected office in their precincts, and participating regularly in County Party activities.

See the Central Committee List here.

The Licking County Central Committee meets both VIRTUALLY and IN PERSON every fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 pm.  Note: meetings are for the members of the Central Committee, but are open to the public. Email us for Zoom details, or check the events calendar.

Marcia Phelps, Chair
John Carlisle, 1st Vice Chair
A. Kaye Hartman, 2nd Vice Chair
Shirley Hollins, Secretary
Mike Bond, Treasurer

The Executive Committee is elected by the Central Committee and is composed of at least 45 but no more than 61 members, at least 2/3 of which also sit on the Central Committee. The main purpose of the Executive Committee is to promote the interests and general welfare of the Democratic Party and make recommendations for appointment to the county Board of Elections.

The Executive Committee meets VIRTUALLY every fourth Tuesday in January, April, July and October at 6:30 pm (prior to the Central Committee meeting). 

Marcia Phelps, Chair
Robert Essex, 1st Vice Chair
Angie Jenkins, 2nd Vice Chair
Shirley Hollins, Secretary
Mike Bond, Treasurer


All meetings are open to anyone interested in learning more about the party, our elected officials, and our candidates. Have questions about participation? Contact us at